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  1. Renewable Red Ink – Ed Feulner, The Washington Times
  2. Speaking the truth about right and wrong – Jennifer A. Marshall, The Heritage Foundation
  3. Strikes are reasonable, but not a cure-all – James Jay Carafano, Desert News
  4. 5 Major Ways The Obama Administration Is Killing American Jobs – John Hawkins, Townhall
  5. Pressure grows for US to list Haqqani network as foreign terrorist group – Jonathan S. Landay, The Kansas City Star
  6. The Truth About Who Fights For Us – Ann Marlowe, The Wall Street Journal
  7. As Federal Crime List Grows, Threshold of Guilt Declines – Gary Fields and John R. Emshwiller, The Wall Street Journal
  8. Putin may restore tougher tone to relations with U.S. – Peter Finn, The Washington Post
  9. Mullen’s accusations: Has US reached its limit with Pakistan? – Howard LaFranchi, The Christian Science Monitor
  10. Facebook to form its own PAC to back political candidates – Gautham Nagesh, Hillicon Valley